Exploring the interconnected threats to the EU Social Contract
The EU social contract is not only vulnerable to individual disruptive factors but also to the combined effects of multiple, interlocking disruptions. EXPRESS2 recognises that when these disruptive elements intersect—such as insecurity, populism, gender inequality, climate change, mistrust, digitalisation, and pandemics—their impact on the social contract can be significantly amplified.
EXPRESS2's intersectional analysis investigates how these disruptions overlap and trigger each other, requiring more complex and tailored responses. For instance, how does gender inequality intersect with insecurity during times of war and migration? How do populist narratives feed off societal mistrust and insecurity in times of crisis?
To tackle these questions, EXPRESS2 will convene an online workshop, bringing together research leaders from various work packages. They will share insights from their sectoral research to identify key intersections and explore how these combined factors threaten the social contract. This comprehensive approach aims to better understand the complex challenges facing the EU and develop solutions that address the full scope of the disruptions.
WP11 leader
Dimitry Kochenov
Kozep-Europai Egyetem (CEU)